Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 48

The 5k

It wasn’t the Olympics.  It wasn’t the New York City Marathon.  It wasn’t Fifty Marathons in Fifty Days.  It wasn’t even a half-marathon…a 10k…or a 5k for charity.  All it was, was a little 5k that our ward does every six months as a way to promote healthy living and to encourage people like me to get their behinds off the couch and go out there and smell the fresh air.

I did it for the first time in October 2008.  I was a good ten pounds lighter, but still hadn’t run for distance (at that point) since high school.  I think I practiced for two weeks and did the race in a little over 38 minutes.

Between that race in October and the month of March, I had a goal.  My youngest sister was getting married.  It would be the first time I would be back home since my family reunion the August before.  I was bound and determined not to return with the same 160 pound frame that I had taken with me the last time I embarrassed myself.  I was going to do it the only way I knew how.

On a steady diet of Coke Zero and Slim Fast, 1,200 crunches a week and a minimum two times a week 3-7 mile bike ride, I was able to get down to 135.  I was almost a size 6.  I felt wonderful.  I thought I looked good and then the wedding was over.

Life happened again.  I let my guard down and let myself eat like a normal human being again.  The boys were out of school for the summer and around here, unless you spend most of your summer in the pool, you’re not going outside.  The summer heat and humidity is miserable.  So I ate some more and I didn’t ride my bike.  I stressed about new callings (jobs at church) and how help my boys with their needs.  Between March 2009 and March 2010, I was back up to my reunion weight.  Since March and now I have been fluctuating between 162 and 168. (Don't worry, I'm not going to embarrass myself twice in one post with another crazy photo.)

Since I started walking, jogging, and biking again in August, I am eating better than I ever have.  I’ve swallowed more spinach and veggies in the last two months than I have in years.  I keep telling myself that I am building muscle, but when you’ve been killing yourself walking and jogging at least 18 miles a week for two months with no weight loss to show for it, discouragement starts to rear its ugly head.

I try not to let it get me down though.  I admit I did it the wrong way last time.  Exercise is important, but eating healthy is the most important thing you can do to lose weight.  Because I did it the wrong way last time, I’m paying the price for it now.  My metabolism has slowed and the body fat that I’ve accumulated is holding on for dear life.  I can’t complain too much though.  With the hard work I’ve already put forth, physically, I might not look better, but I have felt better than I have in years too.  Mentally, I’m more alert and ideas just seem to be pouring out of me.  Spiritually, I just feel more in tune and inspiration seems to come easier.  So I guess, if nothing else I’m happier with me as a person.

So, in a round about way, that is why I didn’t mind coming in last at the 5k yesterday.  I really worked hard the last two months to build up to where I am now.  I could make excuses as to why I didn’t do better; I mean I was only racing against 13 other people. But none of those excuses would have changed the fact that the people I was wogging with (they were running) had been practicing for more than two months and had been taking careful of themselves for much longer than I had been.  I can’t expect to have the pounds melt away this time like they did last time.  I’m doing it in a healthier way because this time I want it to last.  I just have to remember that the road to the “me” I want to be is paved with hard work and healthy living and not with Krispy Kreme donuts.

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