Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 46-47

Day 46-47

After the mess yesterday, I had to blow off some steam.  I blogged (which for me is always therapeutic), went to the gym, ran errands (despite what you maybe thinking, I ran them in the car) and ended up at home with time to spare before it was time to pick up the kids again. 

Silly me thought that because I had an extra day that I should punish myself more than should be allowed.  Maybe it was just stress from the last year finally coming to a head.  Maybe it was my OCD getting the better of me.  Whatever it was, it made its way to my running shoes and I started the first training day of the “Couch to 5k” program.  I warmed up with a 5 minute walk then alternated between jogging 60 seconds and walking 90 seconds.  I closed with a 5 minute cool down for a total of 30 minutes.  Now don’t go thinking I have some special watch that helps me keep track.  I’ve tried it that way and I just can’t do it.  My ADD always gets the better of me.  Thankfully, I have an awesome app on my phone that does the thinking for me.  It simply beeps to let me know when to speed up or slow down.  That work out was pretty good, but I definitely felt it in my calves.  (A leg weight training session and a jog are not ever a good idea on the same day.)

Thankfully, that was all the stupidity I had time for the rest of the day.  The evening went well and I spent the afternoon and evening helping the boys with homework, cleaning house or slacking off.

This morning was a complete 180 from yesterday.  The boys were on fire on the way to school.  It took everything for even Jax to try to keep up with them.  When we all arrived at school, I waited for them by the bike rack as I normally do, fully expecting them to come out and meet me after grabbing their “Grab ‘N Go” breakfasts.  Five minutes later I was still waiting.  I began to worry that maybe something had happened inside the cafeteria or maybe those specks in the distance that I had been chasing all the way to school really weren’t my boys.  I walked over to the window and peeked in.  There were my two guys sitting together enjoying a nice breakfast.  JT seemed to be teaching RJ something revolutionary, the way he was leaning in to make sure that only RJ could hear.  So they do like each other,” I thought to myself.

Tomorrow, our ward (our church congregation) is sponsoring a 5k.  This is what I’ve been working towards for the last several months.  I guess we’ll see if any of that “stupidity” pays off tomorrow.  I tried not to push myself today, so I did an easy 3 mile walk with the dog (because I knew he’d be terrible if he didn’t get some exercise) and later this afternoon I rode my bike again to pick them up.  Not as easy a day as I had planned on, but easier than the torture I’m going to happily put myself through tomorrow. 

If you’d like to join us or be there to cheer us on, the race starts at Chapin Station at 7AM.  See you there.

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