One Point.
When I woke up yesterday, I had the whole day mapped out. Take the day off from exercising and drive the kids to school and drive up to Apopka, to donate platelets at the blood center. Since this was supposed to take the whole morning, I had blocked off the whole day with nothing but watching DVDs and writing on the blog.
Did it happen? Of course, not. When does anything I ever plan, turn out the way I plan. The first part happened without a hitch. I drove all the way up to Apopka and siked myself up for the needle prick to attach my IV bag. But when I got there, my body had other plans. They checked my iron level and found that I didn’t have enough iron in my blood to donate. Now don’t worry, I had adequate levels to live, it’s just when you’re donating they hold you to a higher standard. Unfortunately, I was 1 point too low. One point! I was so frustrated. So I had the phlebotomist prick another finger. Sadly, that one was lower than the first one. Needless to say, they wouldn’t let me donate but they did let me keep the free travel mug. They sent me home with a list of foods to eat that would raise my iron and an appointment for next week.
I felt useless because I had nothing to do, but more so, I felt so bad for the people that I could have helped. On the drive home, I kept imagining what it would have been like if it was my mom, or my sister or one of my sons that needed the platelets and because I hadn’t been taking care of myself I couldn’t help them. I felt awful.
Even a walk through Sam’s Club didn’t help. It wasn’t until I was leaving the store, that my friend Jenny waved to me as she passed me in the store parking lot. She had her two little ones with her, I said hi for a few minutes and then I left to load my car.
As I closed my trunk, I thought of her with her two kids trying to get everything done in the store that she needed to. Before I knew it, I found myself pulling out a shopping cart for her and lifting up her little boy in my arms. It was nice to be talking to a friend. Since school had started we hadn’t seen much of each other. It was fun to spend time with her little boy and daughter and catch up. When her shopping was done, I helped her get her kids into the car and we made plans to go for our weekly 5k run the next morning.
Alone, I walked back to my car on the other side of the building and ran into my friend, Jaada. It was so nice to see her outside of church. We caught up for a few minutes and then she left to do her shopping.
I did a bit more shopping, ate lunch and found myself with some time on my hands so I popped over to my friend Gina's house. Soon it was time to pick up G-Man and then go get the younger two at their school.
I spent the afternoon helping with homework and cleaning the garage, but the highlight of my day ended up when JT asked me to help him with his bike. He’s really struggling with trying to learn how to ride it without training wheels. Although we didn’t get him riding for more than a few seconds at a time, it was raining and he was smiling. That image will be burned into my head for a long time. The rain, the smiles and his bike. What more could a mom ask for?
So, in the end I learned not to be so hard on myself. I need to take care of myself so that I have the chance to lots more of those memories burned into my head in the future. And second, even though the day didn’t turn out the way I planned, Heavenly Father had something better in store for me and that is enough for me. One point made the difference.